The route Trailwalker Oxfam Métropole de Lyon 2022

See you on October 8th & 9th for the very 1st edition
of the Oxfam Trailwalker in the Métropole de Lyon.
D –
0,00 €
A day and night walk without relays, accompanied by your supporters that you will have mobilised, through the hilly areas of the Monts d’Or to the more urban territory of the Métropole de Lyon.
A real sporting challenge awaits you with an interesting difference in altitude (+2,000 m) and magnificent landscapes. This solidarity event aims to finance Oxfam France’s international solidarity actions against poverty. Each team will have to collect at least €1,500 in donations before taking the start.
Rally your crew and register your team today!
Métropole de Lyon 2022 Teams
Start the Trailwalker adventure today